Alpha Kappa Alpha seeks women who will promote, uphold, and extend its policies and programs. In return, the Sorority is a conduit through which individuals can grow and develop, personally and professionally, while simultaneously providing “Service to All Mankind.”
Members who have been inactive for more than one year and wish to reactivate with Pi Delta Omega, please contact us at to obtain and complete the Graduate Chapter Reactivation Form. The form should be submitted to the chapter, along with a money order/certified check with all the appropriate reactivation/reinstatement fees, chapter dues, fees and assessments, where applicable.
Prospective Member
Candidacy for membership into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated graduate chapters is open to women of high ethical and scholastic standards who have completed of a baccalaureate degree, with at least a C+ cumulative average, or a graduate or professional degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc.) from an accredited college or university. Graduate Membership is by invitation only and may not be solicited. Please see the International website for more information at We welcome all to attend our community events. Please see our calendar for upcoming events.
Meeting Information
Meetings of Pi Delta Omega Chapter are open to members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated only. The chapter meets the second Saturday of each month, with the exception of July and August. All visiting members must have a photo ID for verification (Driver’s License, Military ID, or ID card) and one of the following:
An issue of the Ivy Leaf magazine with their membership number listed in the address field (photo or scanned copies of an Ivy Leaf are not valid)
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. financial card
Original membership certificate (photo copies are not valid)
Contact for more information about chapter meetings, reactivation or other membership questions.