Pearl Essence
Youth Mentoring Program

Pearl Essence is a mentorship program created in 2004 by the members of Pi Delta Omega with the intention of enhancing the positive qualities of female teenagers in the South Miami Dade community. The program works to provide participating young ladies with multiple opportunities for leadership, community service, skill building workshops, college preparation, and culturally engaging experiences. Pearl Essence is open to all 9th through 12th grade girls who have a desire and an interest in building a better future for themselves.
The purpose and goals of Pearl Essence are to:
Provide guidance into womanhood through self-discovery.
Enhance cultural knowledge and diverse experiences.
Advance educational achievements and academic skills.
Raise self-esteem and build character.
Learn and develop lifelong leadership skills.
The culminating activity for Pearl Essence is the Debutante Cotillion where the Senior members are presented to their families and society. We take this opportunity to celebrate all of their accomplishments and future endeavors.
If you are interested in joining or gathering more information, please send an email to AKAPDO@gmail.com
